Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another year, another post

I don't know if I am going to be able to keep up this break-neck posting pace but I'll do my best for all of my dedicated readers.

I'm very happy to say that I have had some good success with my company MaMoCa. After winning the Tech Coast Venture Network Survivor Competition in 2006 we really picked up some steam and landed a seed round of angel funding, from some individual investors and from the Tech Coast Angels. I really appreciate their confidence. We received some press attention, from the Voice of Southern California Entrepeneurship Frank Peters and from Colin Stewart of the Orange County Register.

We made some significant progress on our prototype system, you can see a little about it here at . I am happy to say that our investors were so happy with our success that we negotiated and closed a second round of funding, enough to get us through to our expected VC round in the spring.

We also have some fantastic news on the personal front, but I think I will save that for another post.


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